Coping with Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Bipolar Disorder and Depression

People with bipolar disorder have a higher chance of getting a depressive disorder as they age. That’s why it is a must that you have yourself or your loved one checked for this mental disability. The chances of getting treatment become slimmer as you age; however, if you get an early diagnosis, there is a greater chance for recovery.

What do you think when you have Bipolar Disorder?

Typically, a person with bipolar is not aware that they have that condition unless they become more sensitive and observant with themselves. Alternatively, they can figure that out if they consult a doctor or psychiatrist who is eligible to diagnose them after a series of examinations.

In a nutshell, having bipolar lets you have a roller coaster of emotions from extreme happiness to depression. The mood swings can happen rapidly and frequently in a day, but it is different for various people. Here are some of the things people with this disorder think:

  • Having cyclical thoughts starting from mania to depression
  • Feeling extremely down during depressive episodes
  • Tendency to inflict harm to oneself
  • Thinking about suicide, or engaging in dangerous activities
  • Thinking that life is worthless

What are safe medications for Bipolar?

Bipolar Disorder and DepressionGiving patients with antidepressants is one method of treating bipolar disorder and depression. However, there is not yet a strong finding to conclude its effectiveness. Some of the common antidepressants used are carbamazepine, divalproex, oxcarbazepine, and lamotrigine.

Besides it, anti-epilepsy, antipsychotic, and mood stabilizers are also prescribed to patients since it helps in treating depression and bipolar. Some antipsychotic drugs used are risperidone and olanzapine. They target the brain and induce a relaxing effect so that the patient’s thinking slows down.

Mood stabilizers are a good supplement in suppressing a quick shift from mania to depression for people with bipolar disorder. These drugs accompanied by therapy can truly help you or your loved one in overcoming depression due to bipolar.

What can you do when Depression Strikes?

Having this mental problem is never easy since it impacts your work, life, and how you communicate with people. You cannot tell when extreme happiness or sadness strikes, and that is very troubling for anyone.

When depression starts, it will be hard for the person to stay enthusiastic about life, and you will lose motivation in everything. However, you can always do something to counter this negative feeling, and here are some tips:

  • Keep doing your daily activities
  • Plot your daily and weekly schedule
  • Never be scared
  • Do some workouts
  • Surround yourself with happy people
  • Do something that helps alleviate your stress
  • Enroll in a support group
  • Consult a psychiatrist for treating your depression

Oftentimes, it helps patients when they can talk to someone in easing their sorrow and sad feeling, that’s why therapy helps in depression for those with bipolar. Do not hesitate to reach out to your friends, family, and to a professional to get help overcoming depression.

What are the types of bipolar disorder?

There are varying degrees of bipolar disorder, and that happens randomly to anyone. Here are the different classes of this mental problem:

  • Bipolar Disorder and DepressionBipolar 1 Disorder: For this type, there is only one mania for every depressive episode.
  • Bipolar II Disorder: A person with this condition experiences depression for two weeks or longer while also experiencing a moderate manic episode for four days.
  • Cyclothymic disorder: The patient has experienced moderate manic and depressive episodes for two years.

What are the symptoms of depression for bipolar?

It’s not easy to get stuck at the bottom of your emotions. You lose your enthusiasm and joy in doing even the smallest thing in life. For you to determine if you are having a depressive episode, here are some signs to observe:

  • Feeling irritable and restless
  • Doing suicidal attempts
  • You get distracted most of the time
  • Highly impulsive and engaging in risky behaviors
  • Uncontrolled thoughts and deep sadness
  • Thinking about death

When you or your loved one are depressed, it must not be taken lightly since it can lead to unhealthy actions and thinking. Reach out to a professional, or your loved one for support.

How can you cope with bipolar disorder and depression?

Depression is a powerful negative feeling that can ruin your day, mood, or even your entire life. However, you have plenty of things to do to overcome this, and you have your loved ones to help you. If you’re unsure of what to do, the first thing you need to do is to recognize your condition, and that you need outside help to win this battle.

Having bipolar disorder is one reason why you feel depressed since it alters your mood, so you have ups and downs of emotions. Let’s help you with that, and so here are some tips to help you cope with depression.

  1. Be active with your treatment, and do not hesitate to consult with your doctor.
  2. Be patient in doing your treatment. Recovery is not instant, it takes time for you to feel gradual progress from your mental disorder.
  3. Religiously take your medicines and attendance to your therapy.
  4. Be aware of your signs of a depressive episode.
  5. Determine your triggers and find a way to positively handle them.
  6. Have enough sleep
  7. Listen to relaxing music
  8. Hang out with your friends and family
  9. Learn something new
  10. Consult your psychiatrist or doctor for your treatment and further advice

Ways of Treating Depression

Bipolar Disorder and DepressionThe first line of treatment for this condition is antidepressants and mood stabilizers. They help balance brain hormones so that you can clearly think well and calm yourself. Besides that, therapy and counseling are two important components for a life-long treatment for bipolar disorder and depression.

You will also need moral and emotional support from your families and friends. They are one of the reasons why you want to recover and motivate you to finish your depression treatment. For the other details of your treatment, you need to get that from your doctor. They are licensed to do it, and they will provide a customized treatment plan for your bipolar disorder.

Seek help as early as today.

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