What Are The Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal

Cocaine Withdrawal

Cocaine withdrawal does not commonly cause physical withdrawal symptoms compared to other substances, however, it can bring about an intense craving for the substance which makes withdrawal extremely difficult to overcome. It also targets the mental and mood function of a person which can lead to dangerous behavioral patterns in the process.

Any shift in the amount of Cocaine that the body usually takes can risk a person from experiencing withdrawal symptoms in as fast as 90 minutes. The first month of the detox treatment is usually the most challenging phase since the temptation to quit can become too overwhelming. As some symptoms last in weeks, others can swing up and down for months.

Withdrawal Symptoms that Affect Mental Function

Cocaine WithdrawalThe mental function can be gravely compromised as Cocaine is removed gradually in one’s system. This can manifest by individuals struggling from slowed thinking and having a hard time concentrating. When the ability to focus and think is affected, some responsibilities may not be performed with quality and daily tasks can be difficult to accomplish.

The difficulty to cope with stressful situations could also be very challenging upon withdrawal. This is also the reason why certain mood disorders can be experienced and sometimes, these conditions need to be kept an eye on as they could be life-threatening in the long run.

Other changes also include several occasions of unpleasant dreams which affect a person’s quality of sleep and result in putting the body in a lethargic state. An increased appetite can also manifest and this can lead to weight gain. If this persists longer, one can be at risk of obesity.

The most serious withdrawal symptom from the substance is the increased craving for it. A lot of people resort to getting back to substance use because they could hardly tolerate the discomfort of the withdrawal most especially the craving. This can swing up and down even after getting past the period of detox treatment.

The chances of experiencing relapse are high especially when cravings continue to bother a person under treatment for months or even up to a year. This is the reason why physicians recommend Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help a person gain skills that prevent them from giving in to these cravings.

Withdrawal Symptoms that Affect Mood

Cocaine WithdrawalMost people who suffer substance addiction and decide to withdraw usually experience mood disorders. Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are most commonly experienced with withdrawal. In this case, individuals are vulnerable to manifesting suicidal thoughts which are so dangerous that if left unattended, it can lead to suicide.

Research on suicide cases conducted in New York shows that Cocaine has been involved in the suicide deaths of about 20% of individuals younger than 60 years old. This happens because the drug disables the brain to ease feelings of depression and anxiety. Eventually, this pushes the person to commit suicide because there is no positive thinking and feeling developed.

Since pleasurable feelings are shut down, some people may find activities that used to be fun and engaging uninteresting. Even the ability to experience sexual arousal can be suspended and there can be a general feeling of discomfort experienced in the whole duration of detox treatment.

Restlessness is also another behavior that can occur and this can be caused by too much anxiety. This causes strain on both mind and body leading a person to a state of exhaustion. With mental state and mood being negatively affected, fatigue is very likely and this can weaken the will to continue with the treatment.

All these psychological symptoms can seriously affect a person’s disposition in life. Apart from the assistance of medication to relieve these conditions, therapies, and support from family are also valuable to keep a person motivated to recover from physical dependence on the substance.

Withdrawal Symptoms that Affect Physical Condition

Although symptoms that affect a person’s physical condition may not occur often, it is still likely for some individuals to experience headaches, body pain, as well as nerve pain. Sometimes experiencing chills and tremors can also be very common. All these can be relieved by medications prescribed by one’s physician.

Other serious complications can arise especially when it involves substance abuse. Some individuals can be at risk of experiencing seizures and other cardiac health issues especially when the substance is used in combination with alcohol. Hypertension and cardiac arrest are some of the health problems that can take place.

Managing Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

There are many ways for you to manage cocaine detoxification, and we’ll be covering that below. A combined treatment of the following can greatly help an individual recover from substance abuse as well as cope with physical dependence on Cocaine. Quality of life is possible and attainable when one is free from the intoxication of any substances that is why the struggle is worth it.

Medically-assisted Withdrawal

Cocaine WithdrawalDetox treatment must be supervised by medical professionals and not by oneself alone. There may be no FDA-approved drugs that are used to directly treat the symptoms, but there are some prescriptions that can help relieve the discomfort of withdrawal. Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, Propranolol, and antidepressants are some examples.

Rehabilitation and A Healthy Lifestyle

Therapies and counseling are also ideal interventions to help individuals cope with the psychological impact of withdrawal. Depending on the severity of the condition, both inpatient and outpatient care can work. In addition, with a proper diet and exercise, the mind and body are even more strengthened to cope with the hurdles of the treatment.

Emotional Support

Undergoing cocaine addiction treatment is a feat. There will be a lot of temptations and struggles, so you need the emotional support of your loved ones. It also pays to have people around who can look after one’s welfare and watch out for symptoms that can be too risky for one’s precious life.

All in all, withdrawal from Cocaine has its hurdles that one must not underestimate even though its impact is not as potent as other addictive substances such as opioids and benzodiazepines.

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